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The Moksha Space

Clear A Path Malachite Stone Infused Road Opener Oil

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This is not your standard conjure oil. It is a hand made Vodun recipe passed to me by my Great Mother. 

This oil can assist with the following;

Opening communication with the higher self
Removal of obstacles and blocks from their path
Attraction of more luck and miracles in their life
Safe travel or protection while on the road, in the air, on a train or where your voyage may take you
Boosts the Power of IAM to make something happen
Removal of negative /low vibrational/ or pollutant energies from within and surroundings
Balance of mood swings and boosts positive outlook on life
Boosts self-confidence and the ability to take risk that are positive


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Malachite Healing Properties 

Malachite is a green gemstone. This gemstone has a number of healing properties and is well known to be beneficial as a protection stone. It can absorb negative, toxic and pollutant energies from around you and from within you. This means that you can use the stone to balance mood swings and help you to work on a positive outlook on life. It will also help to open your heart to love and positive vibes – allowing you to love more freely and take risks in life that are good for you.

Malachite is also considered a protection stone, especially for travel, and is commonly carried by those who work on airplanes. Miners also carry the stone for protection when they are underground working.

Clear A Path Road Opener Oil attracts good luck, miracles, prosperity, and positive energy. It removes (absorbs) and wards off negative energies, intentions, psychic attacks and obstacles from your path. It works to align the heart chakra and throat chakra, heals/seals aura tears/leakages, and revokes all draining/disruptive energies, entities, intentions that attempt to throw those in its possession off of their path.

This product contains one Green Malachite Stone and an Evil Eye Charm.  It also comes with a hand-made sigil for meditation as my gift to you. 

Malachite - Malachite is a protective stone that absorbs negative frequencies and the color green is the color of life, renewal, nature, and energy.  This stone can also be  associated with  growth, harmony, freshness, safety, fertility (known as the midwife stone), and environment. Known to boost good luck, prosperity, money, and business. Affects Heart and Throat Chakra. 

Contains blend of all natural organic herbs and oils.

Common Uses

Conjure Oils have many uses.  You can dress candles with them, your crystals and stones, your money, petition papers, pour them in jars for jar work, pour them in your bath, and add them to your air diffuser and incense as well. This can be paired with necklace cords of wire wrapped jewelry and diffuser bracelets for extra benefits. 

Learn More About our Diffuser Bracelets Here:

Shambala Protection Bracelets

Top Striker Skull Bracelet Set

Tailor It to Your Specific Intent

Can be tailored to fit your intentions by speaking to the bottle, placing petition paper directly in bottle, placing your hair or toe nail clipping in bottle, etc.


**PLEASE DO A PATCH TEST TO ENSURE YOU AREN’T ALLERGIC TO ANY OF THE INGREDIENTS PRIOR TO USING ON THE BODY. I know that my oils smell good, as I use 100% natural organic herbs, roots, leaves, oils, however, these are CONJURE OILS first and foremost!!!  Contents may settle. SHAKE EM UP to get that energy going!!! Conjure safely! Keep bottles, caps and droppers away from children and pets!!! NOT FOR INTERNAL USE. KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN AND ANIMALS.